Walt Disney's: ROCKETMAN

It Wasn't Me!

If you've seen the movie "Rocketman" then you know how much of a hilarious film it is.

Starring Harland Williams as Fred Randall, Willam Sadler as Commander Overbeck, and a few other recognizable faces "Rocketman" is the comedy for all ages.

If you're young or old (or in between) you'll definitly enjoy this film! I love it so much that I had watched it just about 12 times and have memorized the script -besides typing it all up. I decided to type it myself because I couldn't find it anywhere else on the web.

So ENJOY the Script and Pictures found within.

This film is a hilarious riot!

You'll fall right out off your seat in laughter!

Once you've seen the movie you'll be saying "It Wasn't Me!" all of the time.

You'll need to watch it a Second and Third time in order to catch all of the humor -----'Cuz you're gonna miss some by laughing all of the time!

Rocketman Links:








You are visitor# -well all I know is "It Wasn't Me!"

ROCKETMAN is a WALT DISNEY FILM and is DISTRIBUTED BY BUENA VISTA. Copyright 1997. This is not meant to infringe upon the copyrights held by Walt Disney and Buena Vista nor is it meant to infringe upon all other copyrights to this movie- "Rocketman". It is only meant to provide the public with an insight into what this movie is all about.

Please visit the DISNEY website at: DISNEY

© 1997 prontoly@yahoo.com

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