Hey there, all you out there in cyber land! After combatting those nasty pictures on the internet and battling the stars from Scream 3 (I still have a small bruise from Courtney Cox's punch), I got a call from GUESS WHO? Yes, Scott. The guy who's responsible for the Douglas Murders stories. I couldn't believe it! I was even in all the DMs, so I couldn't wait to start interviewing him for the Hollywood Insider! Here's the interview:
Constance: Hi! So, let's start from the beginning: How did you first come up with the Douglas Murders?
Scott: Well, I've always wanted to do a horror story, and I always think it's a neat idea to put myself and people I know in the stories I make. So I made a spoof of Scream that had me and Dwayne and Sabrina and everyone else in it.
Constance: Where did you get the inspiration for MY character?
Scott: Well, I took you from the news reporter character (Gale Weathers) in Scream, and I got the name from one of the characters in Independence Day.
Constance: It's taken you as much time to finish DM5 as you did the last 4 DMs combined. What happened? Did the recent attention on school shootings have anything to do with the delays?
Scott: The massive delays were the result of a whole buncha unfortunate accidents, like me accidentally throwing away the disk it was typed on. I still feel like kicking myself for doing that! And no, the school shootings had nothing to do with the delay in DM5.
Constance: You said DM5 is the last Douglas Murders. Is that REALLY true? Or is it like DM3?
Scott: I'm serious this time! DM5 is the final chapter!
Constance: Yeah, sure. So, who's your favorite character in all of The Douglas Murders?
Scott: Probably Danielle when she turns into a zombie.
Constance: WHAT?! WHAT ABOUT ME YOU STUPID LITTLE.. er, um, sorry. So who's the killer in DM5? Is it me?
Scott: You know, I can't tell you that, Constance, you'll have to read it for yourself!
(Constance leaps from her chair.) Constance: DON'T GIVE ME THAT CRAP!! TELL ME NOW!! I WANT TO KNOW!!
Scott: Security!!
(Security guards drag Constance away, kicking and screaming.)
You know, all my interviews end like that... Oh, well, this is Constance Spano, signing off! |