Hsu - Hello,video gamers! I am Hsu Tanaka and this is my brother,Chan! We are video game designers! Please do not let the title fool you! Our job requires a maturity beyond our years!
Chan - Hsu! I have guided the purple monkey across the platform without once being hit by the porcupines thrown by the yellow octopus!
Hsu - You go,Chan!
Hsu - No doubt you have already enjoyed several of the games we two have created: Roller Death Derby,Super Roller Death Derby,Roller Death Derby 5000,Fighting Fighters,and our smash-hit RPG epic,Soulsong 2,originally released in Japan under the title "Warui Posuto: Big Pants Submarine".
Chan - It was very emotional.
Hsu - How do we create such masterpieces?Our tools are vast and varied! Genius,Creativity,Skill,These all play a part! Not to mention our state-of-the-art hardware,software and,to a lesser extent,even a good cup of coffee!
Chan - Hsu! We are out of coffee!
Hsu - We're ruined!
Chan - Wait,my brother! Perhaps we can..buy more!
Hsu - Yes,brilliant! To the car,Chan! We ride!
Chan - Can I drive?
Hsu - No way!
Hsu - *Driving at 50 mph on a 20 mph lane* Clear the streets,haplass pedestrians! We are video game designers!
Chan - Ignorant Philistines!
*Upon arriving at the store*
Chan - Hsu,look! For our convenience,this store is open 24 hours a day,seven days a week!
Hsu - A cheap trick! What sort of moron would spend a full day in a place like this?! I am still inconvenienced! Boo on them! Let us have this done!
*Heading into the store*
Hsu - *points at coffee machine* There! To action!
*Hsu goes to coffee machine while Chan looks around*
Hsu - Pour,you mindless automation! Pour!
Chan - Saints be praised! Slim Jims! Hoo-yeah!
Hsu - We have what we came here for! Let us not waste another second in this hell of snack crackers and cheap American beer!
Chan - By the paddles of pong,Hsu! Look at the line!
Hsu - GOOD LORD! All of this for cigarettes and lottery tickets?! The fates have surely abandoned us!
*Hsu and Chan heads behind a large fat man*
Chan - One side,Large sir! We are video game designers!
Hsu - If we had wished to see the world's largest back flab,we'd have paid admission! Let us through!
Chan - He does not listen,brother Hsu!
Hsu - We are left with no choice,Chan! You must use...the force!
Chan - Yes,brother Hsu!
*Chan tries to lift up the fat man aside using his Jedi power,but to no avail.*
Hsu - He is unmoved!
Chan - The force is...strong with this one!
*Both of them had an idea*
Hsu and Chan - *points at the ceiling* Look! A gallon of butter pecan ripple!
Fat man - Where?
*Hsu and Chan steals the line*
Chan - Ha Ha Ha! It was an old Jedi mind trick!
Hsu - Weak-minded fool!
Hsu - *to the clerk* Hmm,for the wait,you'd have thought there would be someone more attractive.Our time is precious,clerk!
Clerk - That'll be $6.98 -- Hey! You're Hsu and Chan Tanaka,aren't you?!
Clerk - You guys made Roller Death Derby 5000,didn't you? I loved that! Someday,I want to be just like you!
*Hsu and Chan stares at him..*
Hsu - Come,Chan! We've wasted too much of our lives here already! Leave the rabble to their spicy peanuts and slushees! We ride to better places!
Chan - They have slushees?