Hi Welcome to Kate's Homepage.  This page is about many different things.  It's about things that I love or things that interest me.  Over time this page will grow and develop as I firstly get more time to work on it and come up with new ideas.  And secondly as I get more knowledgeable about how to do this kind of thing.  This is the result of this site's first major over-haul.  Since I first started working on this site last spring, I have learned lots thanks to friends and also thanks to trial and error… but I've still got a long, long, long way to go…  Anyway I hope that you find something to interest you here.

Kate :)

I for one am sooo glad to see the snow finally disappearing!

Special thanks to Halliwell for the use of his Anti-CTV banner.
The Power Of Three Will Set Us Free From CTV!!!

Great Big Thanks to Zero and Hellfire for all their help!!

Last updated Apr. 4, 2000                                      Copyright 2000-2001

Email me HERE
