Ten Inch Hero Review without Spoilers

On February 1, 2008 the Florida ART Film Festival in Gainesville, FL opened their festival with a screening of Ten Inch Hero, and I was one of the lucky few who got the see the movie.

The movie was great, I loved it.

It made be laugh, it made me cry, it made me want to hug Jensen a lot.

I've seen plenty of Indies, and this one is definitely one of the best I've seen.

The story is solid and interesting; the characters are real and well developed. Camera work is good, and even the music fitted perfectly. And last, but not least, the acting was good. Jensen was awesome as always, I don't think there is anything he can't do.

After the movie there was a Q&A with director, David Mackay and co-producer, Mark Witsken.

They talked about a lot of different things, but these three things are the ones I found most interesting:

A day after the producer told the costume department that they were no longer allowed to buy clothes because they were out of money, Jensen called and said that he had found a kilt in a thrift store which he wanted to wear in the tampon scene. It just made the producer laugh and he told the costume department to go ahead and buy it.

Jensen's tendency to improf/add lip is not limited to the set of Supernatural. He did it here as well, and the director let him.

Jensen has a lot of different hairdos during the film and at some days of filming he would need to have to go to the hair and makeup department three times because they film out of sequence. Each time would take about an hour.

They were also talking about screening in the future, while nothing besides EyeCon is set in stone at the moment, the cities that they mentioned were all around the country and one even in the U.K.

So if you ever get the change to see the movie, go, you won't regret it.

Click on the poster or the photo to go to the Ten Inch Hero website.