Site Links, Fan Clubs, & Webrings

Because all things are subject to change over time, some links my not be working and addresses may become invalid.  I try to keep this site as up to date as possible, but in the event I may have missed something, please let me know by emailing  Thanks.

Noteworthy Backstreet Sites

All sites here have been approved by myself before they were listed.  If you are not on this list and would like to be included; email your site title, URL, and a brief description to Please note that sites containing profanities and obscene rumors, pictures, or language will not be considered.

 BSB Fan Clubs
  • Official Backstreet Boys Fan Club ~ (USA)

  • Fan Club Services Limited
    P.O. Box 20
    Manchester, England
    M60 3ED
    Attn:  Liz Beeley
  • Official Backstreet Boys Fan Club ~ (Canada)

  • 1930 Yonge Street
    Suite 1231
    Toronto, Ontario
    M4S 1Z4
    Attn:  Jody Shivdasani
  • Annual membership fees are $24.00 US and include the following:

  • Welcome Pack
    3 Color Poster
    Window Sticker
    5 Individual Postcards with Individual Data
    Membership Card


These are the rings which I am currently a member of.  They are a great way of getting your site noticed, so don't hesitate to join!

Owned By Emily Sims 
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This Backstreet's Angels Webring
 site is owned by 
Emily Sims

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Note:  All text on this page is copyright © 1999 EmilySims.  All Webring placards are copyrighted by their respective owners.
Disclaimer:  All materials & information obtained for this site are copyrighted by their respective owners.  All rights are reserved.  No copyright infringement is intended.  However, if you would like your material removed from this site, please email me by clicking the envelope in the geoguide toolbar.