Naveen's Piano Page
        Hey Guys!    Welcome to my Piano Page!  I am sure you will agree that 'Piano' is an enchanting musical instrument and I have fallen in love with it ever since childhood. That inspired me to listen to and learn Western Classical Music. I enjoy Piano Rags and have composed Piano Sonatas and Rags.
         Sequencing MIDI for my favorite film songs (mostly Tamil) is yet another hobby of mine and I am sure you will enjoy the MIDIs I sequenced in this web page.
         Well, about me...   I am Naveen, software consultant working in the US wild west and also piano-lover. And this page is to share my craze for piano. The wonder instrument, with which we could play melody, rhythm, bass and harmony, all of these at the same instant, for any song!
Midi Files

Piano Based

Hello Mr. Ethirkatchi

Vaadikkai Marandhadhu

Unnidam Mayangugiren

  Punnagai Mannan Theme

  Enna Enna Vaarthaigalo


   Sotta Sotta Nanaiyudhu Tajmahal

Tom and Jerry - Theme

Piano Solos

Movie Songs:

1.  Enna Enna
    Music:    MSV, Henry Daniel
     Piano:    Naveen

2. Baby Elephant Walk
    Music:    Henry Mancini
     Movie:    Hatari
     Piano:    Naveen

Piano Sonatas
played by Naveen

1.  Alla Turca (Turkish March)
    Music:   W A Mozart

6 Variations (Theme & 1st)
     Music:    L V Beethoven

Minuet in G
     Music:    L V Beethoven

Piano Accompaniment

Merry Minuet
Music      :   W A Mozart
Clarinet  :   Ernest
Piano      :   Naveen

Visit for my piano videos

Please E-mail  me your comments at naveenmusic[at]yahoo{dot}com
Interested in Tamil Midi?
Visit  RJay's Midi Page
Interested in Tamil Christian Songs?  Visit
             I'm always thankful to my piano teachers Mrs. Annie Gnanamuthu and Mr. Cleophas Antony, who guided me so well during my early age. I owe a lot to my uncle, Mr. Samuel Abeysekera who inspired me to play piano in a different style. I concentrated more on church music after his advice only. Finally a big thanks to my parents, brothers and our dog for patiently allowing me to practise piano all the time at home!
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