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Britney Spears Pics and Links

Hello!!!! Welcome to my Britney Spears page. This page was created on March 16,1999. I will be updating as often as I can. I am very sorry for the delay but please be patient and come back soon!!!!! You are listening to "Sometimes" midi file. Thanks!!!! In the mean time please click on the link below if you would like to go to my Sarah Michelle Gellar and Jennifer Love Hewitt site. Please sign my guestbooks! Thanks very much!!!!!

I have updated on July 17th, 2000 at 4:09 pm PST. I will be on the lookout for more pics that I can post up in the pics section. If you have any pics please e-mail them to me and I will add them on and give you credit for them. The webring page is also still up for all of you who also have Britney sites and would like to be added to the webring. I will be updating as often as I can so please bear with me. Please join the mailing list below so that I can contact you right away to let you know that I have updated. Thank you very much.

I have added new pictures to the picture index. There are pics from her videos "Born to Make you Happy" and "Oops!... I Did It Again". Check it out! The survey page is still there so that you can voice your comments and for me to find out who else you might be interested in seeing on this page other than Britney Spears. Your comments and input will be greatly appreciated. Please click on the Survey link below now! =)

I will add a lyrics page onto this site soon. That will be on the way in the next few weeks because I have been a bit busy with school. If there are any lyrics OR pics in particular you would like me to post up please let me know. Only "clean" pic requests though please. My site is intended for ALL ages. I will also be putting up pics and links to another beautiful singer by the name of Mindy McCready. She is a country artist but her songs are so very sweet! That will be worked on in the next few weeks too. Thank you!

Kevin's SMG and JLH website


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