Act II Scene II

My Dinner With Arnold

Dunkin Donuts:

My friends, I must thank you for this hearty meal

I am sorry my son does not eat it with zeal

Son, you took a big portion and only ate half

MacBain :
I chust can't stand youkee partz ov za calf

Dunkin Donuts:
Do not brand our family with the marks of a sinner

I insist that you sing a song for your dinner

MacDavis :
My liege, was the slight that important, not very

I am sure that a song is quite unnecessary

MacBain :
No, I know you vill vind my voice is quite pretty

und I'm sure you vill enjoy my noo leetle ditty

Dose vingerz in my hair

Dat zly kum hidder shtare

Zat ztrips my conshuns bare

Itz Vitchkraft

MacDavis :
Listen to him, I can tell that he knows

this business of murder no further it goes

Lady MacDavis:
He is singing words he does not understand

I doubt that he knows what we have planned

MacDavis :
Yet if I kill a King, a man who's my friend

what will critic's do to what I have penned

Lady MacDavis:
Screw up your courage, we must stop this singing

What will happen if he doesn't eat the blood pudding

Go to the next scene

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