
Jim's Home Page

My name is Tsang-Chia Chang, and I am from Taiwan.  However, you can call me "Jim". It is much easier for most of you who had ever tried to memorize and pronounce my Chinese name. I go to University of Central Oklahoma right now, and currently enrolled for a junior status. My major is Management Information System(MIS).

I am a Christian and I am so glad that I have so many brothers and sisters in my fellowship, which is International Christian Fellowship (ICF). We went to the International Student Conference (ISC) with the Navigators in Glen Eyrie, Colorado together.



   My Favorite Bible Verse:

 "But seek ye first the Kingdom of God, and his
 righteousness; and all these things shall be added
 unto you."  Matthew 6:33 KJV


Photo Gallery from ISC

My Favorite Links

Visit My Country-Taiwan

Taiwan Student Association

My Friend - Ming Ming from Lawrence, KS

My fellowship - International Christian Fellowship

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  Best viewed with IE 5.0      Last updated on February 23, 2001