
Saturdays, in my "TIM UPDATE SITE" are gonna be pretty lame. Nothing happens. I usually sleep in and then proceed to work for the entire day. Today was no different. I woke up, took Meg home, and then went to work. However, my night was kinda funny. I got off work @ 9:15 and then I went to Meg's house to play video games with her little brother. Yea. I  know. I can't help all you guys left!!! It was fun, and after I left I went to Wendy's, got a brief dinner, and came home to make this webpage. Right now, its 8:00 am, and I am getting ready to head to bed. I work today from 12-6 and then I am prolly goin to Kent. However, I will be constructing the Applications page and the Links page some time in the next 24hrs. Goodnight, and goodmorning (repsectivly) to everyone and I hope you like my work.

ps-i will be leaving this week posted for a couple days so that everyone can get to read it.
