click to hear Froggy Sounds

mudfrog.gif (10116 bytes)

So what fruit is kinda brown, kinda green?

why It's a Kiwi!!!

grenouille2.gif (28548 bytes)

click on the thumbnail to see full size

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Kiwi Hunts

shhhh..I'm sneaking up on a nice juicy bug!

oktfrog7.gif (12744 bytes)

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Kiwi needs a diet!

those crickets  were driving me crazy,

so I ate them ALL...burp

anluorkikkop.gif (3954 bytes)

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Kiwi conquers plant

If it's in my way, I climb it!

oktfrog14.gif (50896 bytes)

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Froggy Meditation

I can do 100 shades of green!

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Kiwi the Hypnotist

Now, look deep into my eyes...

you hunger for crunchy crickets!

anluortrekkik.gif (2654 bytes)

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Kiwi ... errrr... Poops!

awhhh..I feel much better now

room for more crickets!

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Frog animations copyright Lucy Rand & Friends

Frog photos copyright Cybersherrie 2002


ankikklein.gif (1585 bytes)


Kiwi Rocks!

Miss Kiwi grows up!