1080 Snowboarding
Panda Boarder:
Beat Time Attack, Contest and Trick Attack and completely get
rid of any EAD scores (it doesn't matter what initials you use
-- but in the end, there should be no EAD records left). Now
on the character selection screen highlight Rob. Press C-right
and then A (you should be on the screen that shows character
technique, speed, balance, power and jump). If you've done it
correctly you will see Rob's picture replaced with the Panda
Boarder at the track selection screen.
Panda Tricks
· Back Flip:
When in the air, press R and down on the analog stick. Panda
will now perform a back flip in the air, worth 100 points. You
can also perform this move close to the ground.
· Front Flip:
When in the air, press R and up on the analog stick. Panda will
now perform a front flip in the air, worth 100 points. You can
also perform this move close to the ground.
· One Foot:
When in the air, press B and down on the analog stick. Your
Panda will now do a one-foot trick in the air, worth 400 points.
· Panda Tweak:
When in the air, press R and move the analog stick in a
counterclockwise circle, then press R and left (reverse these
controls to do a Panda Tweak in the opposite direction). This trick
earns you 300 points.
Ice Boarder:
To play as the Ice Man, win Match Race mode on the Expert level and
top all the EAD scores in Trick Attack and Time Attack modes. Press
the C-Left Button and then the A Button while choosing Akari Hayami.
Gold Ice Boarder:
Gold Ice Man is the game's best racer! To get the 24-karat boarder,
select Ice Man, then conquer Match Race on the Expert level. Press
the C-Up Button and then the A Button while choosing Kensuke Kimachi.
Penguin Board:
In training mode perform all 24 tricks (including both 1080s). Now,
at the board selection screen highlight the Tahoe 151 board and
press C-down followed by A.
Here's an easy way to pull off the tougher tricks...
· Go to training
· Go to the trick list
· Pick a trick you can perform with ease
· In mid air do the trick
· Then go to the trick list while in mid air and pick a trick you
can't do (like the 1080 air)
· Land and go to the trick list and it should say that you did the
trick you can't do.
Half Pipe Bonus Start:
At the start of the half pipe, immediately turn to the left or right.
Proceed until you are near the wall, then make a turn towards the pipe.
If you are in the correct position, you will move up a small invisible
ramp and it will boost you high into the air. The best part of this
glitch is that you land every trick, no matter how bad your landing
position is (exception: not letting go on a grab).
Use the Cameras:
This is really cool if you want a good replay in the half-pipe. If
you look there are video-camera men on the sides. Try to do your stunts
or airs in front or close to them for some pretty cool shots.
Control Intro Camera:
Press C-Up during the intro sequence when you first turn on the game.
Move around the analog stick and you have full control over the camera.
Scratch the Record:
After half pipe go to View Replay. When the music starts rotate the control
stick. It should make a scratching sound...
Easy Landings:
Line your board up with the ground (you can lean back just a little) and
just before you hit the ground press Z. This will cause you to have a much
smoother landing.
Fast Start:
To get an extra push at the start (or after you fall), simply tap the
control stick forward. Timing is everything. At the start of the race,
wait until the announcer is about to say "Go!"
Deadly Fall Course:
In Match race, beat the six courses on expert mode. This will unlock the
Deadly Fall course.
Dragon Cave Course:
In Match race, beat the five courses on hard mode. This will unlock the
Dragon Cave course.
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