
Movie Description:  The story revolves around two Russian military satellites capable of wreaking havoc from orbit by causing widespread and massive interference with commercial and military communications, computers and other electronics with the use of nuclear pulse detonation technology. The satellites can render useless any electronic device. The program discs that control the GoldenEye satellites are stolen by a secret Russian mafia-like group known as Janus. Natalya is the only witness to who stole the discs and she meets 007 in an interrogation room. Bond has been sent to retrieve the discs and find out what Janus is up to.

James Bond:  Pierce Brosnan

Released:  1995 (#17)

Main Villian:  Alec Trevelyan a.k.a. Agent 006 (Sean Bean)

Henchmen:  General Ouromov, Xenia Onatopp (Famke Janssen), Boris Grishenko

Bond Girls:  Natalya Simonova (Isabella Scorupco), girl sent to evaluate Bond

Gadgets:  BMW Z3 roadster, belt with rappeling cable, explosive pen

Travel Destinations:  Monte Carlo, Russia, Cuba

Famous Quote:

"I should ask you if all those martinis have silenced the screams of all the men you've killed, or if you find forgiveness in the arms of all those willing women for the ones you failed to protect." -Alec Trevelyan

Facts and Bloopers:

In the pre-credits sequence,006 is presumably shot in the head by General Ouromov.  If he was shot at that close range, Trevelyan would have most certainly died.  The most likely answer is that he and Ouromov's conspiracy stemmed back to this event, but this is not revealed in the movie.