In the Mighty Morphin' Power Rangers movie, Dulcea was the keeper of the Ninjetti power, the infinite energy source that the Power Rangers decided to seek when their powers were destroyed. Unlike her show-equivalent Ninjor, Dulcea makes a very imposing figure. Cloaked in huge drapes, she drops in on the Rangers as they desperately defend themselves against Ivan Ooze's Tengu Warriors. Wasting no time, she wallops the entire legion, sending them back to Ivan with her Whistling Sticks. But just because she saved the Rangers, didn't mean she had to be hospitable. Only when the Rangers invoked her help in Zordon's name did she comply, and after a treacherous hike to the ruins of the Ninjetti Temple, Dulcea introduced the six teens to their animal guides. Dulcea was powerful, beautiful, and noble… and would've been a great addition to the series.