We are all familiar with the Mighty Morphin Power Rangers, but have you ever wondered how the war between good and evil began? What did Zordon of Eltar look like before he was trapped in a time warp? How long have Rita Repulsa and Zordon been at odds? How did Rita and her accomplices wind up trapped in that dumpster? Well, who better to answer these questions than Alpha 5, Zordon's trusted robot assistant. I have asked the loyal Edeniod robot to give us access to the History Files, so all can learn the answers to these and other burning questions. Here is his narration of the historic background leading to the formation of the Power Rangers as we know them.

It began in a timeless past. A battle of good versus evil, between Zordon, a kind sage, and an evil empress named Rita Repulsa. The battle lasted for two-thousand years... give or take a week. Then, in a desperate attempt to win, Rita offered Zordon a truce, but then betrayed him and trapped him in an interdimensional time warp. But Zordon would not go down without a fight. Right before he disappeared into the time warp, he focused his powers into an intergalactic recycling bin and sucked Rita and her goons into the dumpster to be trapped forever. Ten-thousand years passed as Rita spent her time planning nasty ways to destroy the universe. The dumpster finally crashed into a small crater on the moon. There it remained until two lunar explorers from Earth violated one of the primary rules of space exploration: never open an unmarked container. With Rita and her crew now free, Earth was in danger. Buildings were nothing more than playthings to her as she moved them about at will. She blew up mountain ranges, burned rain forests, emptied lakes... let's face it, she was really steamed. Zordon ordered me to teleport five teenagers to the Command Center. They would be the superheroes Earth now desperately needed. He also created special weapons for them, and huge fighting machines called Zords, based on the ancient dinosaurs that once roamed the Earth. From that moment on, Zordon, myself, and the six teen titans have dedicated ourselves to ridding the universe of Rita's evil. Wow... what a story!

This information, as well as the images, originates from the Power Rangers Fan Club video. I didn't make up any of this. I transcribed word for word Alpha's recount of the history of the Power Rangers.