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"Why must I be surrounded by frickin' idiots?" Dr.Evil

"Throw me a frickin' bone here." Dr. Evil

"Why make trillions when we can make....billions?" Dr. Evil

"I turned the moon into something I like to call a "Death Star" Dr. Evil

"Yeah Baby Yeah!" Austin Powers

"Do I make you horny baby, do I?" Austin Powers

"You're quasi-evil, you're semi-evil, you're the margerine of evil, you're the diet-coke of evil. Just one calorie! Not evil enough!" Dr. Evil talking to Scott Evil

"I can take my Sega dad right?" Scott Evil

"I shall call him... Mini-Me" Dr. Evil


"Come Mr. Bigglesworth." Dr. Evil

"Poor little bugger." Austin Powers talking about Mini-Me

"Shh!" Dr. Evil

"Theres nothing worse than a aging hipster." Dr. Evil

"Alright baldie, shut yer cake-hole, on yer bike." Austin Powers