What's going On?
What needs to be done
Your involvement
- Explain Afternoon (Church together)-
James, update of last few weeks
- Opening prayer - Jill
- Introductions -
Sarah Nursing, CMDF, 1st years, new people, dental rep Ezra, Bethany first year med. Vice President of Universe
- Prayer meeting report - Important! Leaders must attend
- Year reports (8 week plans) - 2nd, 3rd, 4th
- Volunteers to help year leaders
- Musicians, singers, actors, bible studies
- Welcome evening report -
- Treasurer à
Finances, sponsorship
- Camp Reports
- Camp I - emphasise money/application forms in ON TIME, fresher price is cheaper ("subsidesed by SMA") - Sol gives his money to camp committee NOW!
- Camp II
- Bible study Leader's Workshop - date/place
- Worship Workshop -
- For Camp and meetings - arrange time and place, Get list of musicians/singers
- Editor à newsletters
- Year reps submit article every 2 months, get advertising to flux by 28th
- Logo -
vote on whether we want new one
- T-Shirt -
When, design competition (closing date)
13. Buddy System Coordinator - Joseph Ng - Pass Sheet around, NAME, Contacts, Year
- Academic, discipleship, mentor, notes, questions about future years
- Volunteers
- Interfaculty liason
- need to get healthcare contacts from other campuses, arrange advertising there for camp, events etc., talk to me for further details.
- Intergroup liason
- CU, Universe, AGAPE, OCF, WAMSS - establish communication - share our vision with them, Campus together.
- Hospitality officer
- organises drinks and snack food for meetings - allowed to delegate
- Print Media officer -
works closely editor, ensures that things are photocopied, paper is bought, flyers are made, must have computer and know how to use it!
- Pass around volunteer sheet (future jobs) with NAME, CONTACT, YEAR, WOULD LIKE TO HELP IN :
- Stall -
Print media, arrange pin up board thing, Time allotments (hand around sheet)
- Organise next meeting -
April?, Leaders meeting 27th February