Just like I said, these very words were dictated to my when I was a young boy by my father. Changed my life, they did...here they are, for your reading pleasure....

"Just who do you think you are, boy? Why, back in my day, we called your type "Buldastackers". And do you know what we did with buldastackers? We slaped um' around a bit, then threw them in . Thats right, your kind is trash. You've always been trash and you'll always be trash. Why, even before you were trash, I knew you were trash. I mean, seriously, what have you done with your life? Nothing. Sure, there's the occasional time you don't screw up, but even those times are few and far between. ...wha...wait, are those tears?? HAHAHAHA, I knew it, you baby, now stop your whining and get out in the woods and chop some wood. I'm not even sure why I keep you around, you good for nothing shoe that someone was wearing when they stepped in dog crap......."

Touching words, to say the least. They have a special place, close to my heart.