Rhianna M. Brandon Freelance Photographer
A position that involves utilization of photographic skills along with design and artistic development

Bachelor of Arts, University of Oregon - June 2005       Major: Theatre Arts
A. J. Dimond High School, Anchorage, AK - June 2001
Landmark Education, Portland, OR - August 2004
Mentorship Program with University of Alaska Anchorage, 2000.  High school experience of technical and props in Summer Youth Theatre with coordinator Wayne Mitchell
Basic darkroom developing, toning, filters, flash, dodging and burning
Manual and digital camera experience, specializing in Nikon models
Photoshop CS, MS Word, Excel, ACDSee, WordPerfect, Microsoft Publisher, Access - PC and Mac
55 WPM Type Speed
Excellent organizational skills
Trained in public speaking
Conversational Spanish and Greek speaking, writing
Violinist - 1992 to present

- Intern for Bruce Berg, Oregon wedding and portrait photographer, Spring 2005
- Freelance photographer for Oregon Voice, 2004 to present
- Intern for Myron Rosenberg, Alaska photographer - Summer 2003. Managed sales and mailing distribution of photographs and lithographs
Includes participation for production in university shows.  Experience as dramaturge, costume manager, dresser, set design, makeup, backstage running/fly crew, and light board operation.  Involved with shows A View from the Bridge, Angels in America: Perestrioka, Fuddy Meers, Dr. Faustus Lights the Light, Book of Days, Medea and Misanthrope.
- Study Abroad in Athens, Greece, exploring acting and play history, costume, and script analysis. Involved in performances of
Lysistrata, Eumenidies, The Clouds, and Antigone. Fall 2004

Work History:
Sales Associate,
Suncoast Motion Picture Company, Portland, OR - December 2005 (seasonal)
Production Assistant,
Rachel Ray's Tasty Travels, Anchorage, AK - July 2005
Freelance Photographer, Wedding, Anchorage, AK - June 2005
Freelance Photographer,
Oregon Voice, Eugene, OR - 2003 thru June 2005
Barista, EMU Food Services, Eugene, OR - September 2002- June 2005
Sales Representative,
Myron Rosenberg Art Gallery, Anchorage, AK - June 2003
Sales Representative,
Michaels Arts & Crafts, Anchorage, AK September 1999 - May 2001
Anchorage Animal Control Shelter, Anchorage, AK - Nov. thru Dec. 1999

4 years High School Honor Roll
High school graduate Sigma Cum Laude
Art Makes Connections - Student Art Exhibition at Anchorage Museum of History and Art
1999 Key Club Bronze Award (30 hours of community service)
2 Varsity Volleyball Letters
2 Concert Orchestra Letters

John Costello, EMU Food Services Director, (541) 346-3719
Meredith Frengs, Journalist, (541) 914-4326
Bruce Berg, Wedding and Portrait Photographer, (541)726-6119