Movie reviews from someone who buys his own tickets
(and rents his own videos)!

Hello to movie fans everywhere.  My name is Larry Smoak, and as you can probably surmise, I am not writing the reviews to be found here on behalf of any newspaper syndicate or other media outlet.  If I were, I'd surely get to see movies a heck of a lot sooner.  I am your average Joe-Moviegoer with opinions, just like you; I just happen to enjoy writing mine down.  I review everything I see in the theater, and a lot of what I see on home video.

Find out about what I've seen recently in Current Reviews . . .

Today's Featured Review

January 17, 2004

The Lord of the Rings: The Return of the King

So, what does one say after finally finishing the viewing of a 10½-hour movie?  After all, that’s what The Lord of the Rings trilogy is, and The Return of the King is merely the final act.  After spending two years of anticipation, interrupted by about three hours each December of actual movie-watching, can one admit that such an investment of time and emotion was worth it?  Hell, yes, brother Nerds, one sure can! .  More...


Read my latest essay on the world of movies,

Home Video: 
Indispensable, yet still needing improvement

From the introduction of the Sony Betamax to the current explosion in DVD technology, home video has been the biggest boon to the motion picture industry since the addition of sound.  Through this marvelous innovation, movies once lost to the past are seen again and again.  Filmmakers are influenced by new visions and ideas previously unavailable to them.  Creative artists are granted a new way to be compensated for their work, often for years and years after their creation takes shape.  Yet, despite the leaps and bounds this technology has enjoyed of late, this wonderful concept is still not without its flaws.  More...

All text and content this web site
© 2004 Larry Smoak

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