
Raspberry Jam

Wow, what a great name for a band! That is what led to me owning this CD. Helen bought it for me for my birthday based solely on its name, we'd never heard them or anything. I think that that method kind of worked though, they seem to be a fairly good acoustic folk kind of band.



Oceanic sample

The CD is quite mellow on the whole. There are more lively moments, Oceanic is a good example of that. One of the tracks is just a spoken poem, I'm not that interested in that, I prefer music really.


  1. Now Watch the Man
  2. Can I
  3. One More Time
  4. Easter - poem by George Herbert
  5. Easter
  6. Oceanic
  7. Wonders of Love
  8. Burns Like Fire
  9. Burden
  10. Black Box
  11. Surrender