Matt Redman Lyrics


  • Let Everything that has breath
  • One thing remains
  • What I have vowed
  • Intimacy
  • Hear the music of my heart
  • When I needed a Saviour
  • I am Yours
  • The heart of Worship
  • Now to live the life
  • For the cross
  • Hallelujah Song
  • The Prayers of the saints


    Let Everything that has breath

    Matt Redman

    Let everything that
    Everything that
    Everything that has breath
    Praise the Lord

    Praise You in the morning
    Praise You in the evening
    Praise You when I'm young
    And when I'm old
    Praise You when I'm laughing
    Praise You when I'm grieving
    Praise You every season of the soul

    If we could see how much You're worth
    Your power, Your might
    Your endless love
    Then surely we would never cease
    to praise...

    Praise You in the heavens
    Joining with the angels
    Praising You forever and a day
    Praise You on the earth now
    Joining with creation
    Calling all the nations to Your praise

    If they could see how much You're worth
    Your power, Your might
    Your endless love
    Then surely they would never cease
    To praise...

    One Thing Remains

    Matt Redman

    Seasons may change,
    Passions may fade
    But one thing remains
    Fashions they pass, here for a day
    But one thing remains

    I'll always love
    I'll always love
    I'll always love Your name

    Troubles may come, hardship and pain
    But one thing remains
    And when I am weak, when I am frail
    One thing remains

    I'll always love
    I'll always love
    I'll always love Your name
    You'll always be
    You'll always be
    You'll always be my praise

    Just as the sun will rise up every day
    And as the dawn will always find a way
    And oceans will never cease to bear their waves
    I'll always find a way to bring You praise
    Always, Jesus, always... always

    What I have vowed

    Matt Redman

    Lord, I am not my own
    No longer my own
    Living now for You
    And everything I think
    All I say and do
    Is for You, my Lord

    Now, taking up the cross
    Walking on Your paths
    Holding out Your truth
    Running in this race
    Bowing every day
    All for You, my Lord

    And what I have vowed I will make good
    Every promise made will be fulfilled
    'Till the day I die, every day I live
    Is for You, is for You, is for You
    Is for You, is for You, is for You

    Earth has nothing I desire
    That lives outside of You
    I'm consumed with You
    Treasures have no hold
    Nothing else will do
    Only You, my Lord


    Matt Redman

    One thing my heart is set upon
    One thing that I would ask
    To know You, Lord, as close as one
    Could hope to on this earth

    O Jesus, intimacy
    My treasure will be, O Jesus
    Your intimacy

    To look upon Your beauty, Lord
    Your glory and Your heart
    To know You close, and closer still
    Wach day upon this earth

    Lord, since the day I saw You first
    My soul was satisfied
    And yet because I see in part
    I'm searching, more to find

    Hear the music of my heart

    Matt Redman

    Lord, hear the music of my heart
    Hear, all the pourings of my soul
    Songs telling of a life of love
    Jesus, this is all for You

    You've become the ruler of my heart
    You've become the lover of my soul
    And You've become the Saviour of this life
    You are everything to me

    Oh now, Jesus, Jesus
    I will pour my praise on You
    Worship, Worship
    Demonstrate my love for You
    ay I come to be a blessing to Your heart
    Jesus, Jesus
    Who can tell how wonderful You are
    How wonderful You are
    O how wonderful You are...

    When I needed a Saviour

    Matt Redman

    Looking back on time
    Seeking to remind myself of all Your mercies
    I can testify, on every page of life
    Your grace just keeps unfolding...
    And unfolding

    You made me fruitful in the land of my suffering, Father
    You made me hopeful in a place of no hope
    Poured oil of gladness on the wounds of my struggling, and You
    Poured oil of healing on the depths of my soul

    When I needed a Saviour,
    You were there, You were there
    When I needed a healer,
    You were there, You were there
    When I needed my Father,
    You were there, You were there
    You are here... You are here

    Ever since the day
    I looked upon the cross
    I've realised Your mercy
    For every stage of life
    Sweet and bitter times
    Your grace just keeps
    Unfolding... and unfolding

    I am Yours

    Matt Redman

    God of restoration
    My hope is in the life You bring to me
    Healer of my wounds
    I thank You, O I thank You

    God of my salvation
    With saving love You came to rescue me
    Healer of my soul
    I thank You, O I thank You
    Today and every day...

    I am Yours, I am Yours
    Every breath that I breathe
    Every moment that's lived
    I am Yours, I am Yours
    You're the reason to breathe
    You're the reason to live
    And now everyone that You have saved
    Will come to be Your praise
    I am Yours

    Singing of a love now
    You taught this broken heart to sing again
    Everyday I'll sing, to thank You,
    O to thank You
    Singing of a life now
    You taught this wounded soul to live again.
    Everyday I'll live, to thank You,
    O to thank You
    And today and everyday...

    And if my food is to do Your will
    Then I'm hungry, still hungry
    There's so much more
    That I need to give
    To thank You, to thank You
    Today and every day

    The heart of worship

    Matt Redman

    When the music fades
    All is stripped away,
    And I simply come
    Longing just to bring
    Something that's of worth
    That will bless Your heart

    I'll bring You more than a song
    For a song in itself
    Is not what You have required
    You search much deeper within
    Through the way things appear
    You're looking into my heart

    I'm coming back to the heart of worship
    And it's all about You
    All about You Jesus
    I'm sorry Lord for the thing I've made it
    When it's all about You
    All about You Jesus

    King of endless worth
    No one could express
    How much You deserve
    Though I'm weak and poor
    All I have is Yours
    Every single breath

    Now to live the life

    Matt Redman

    Many are the words we speak
    Many are the songs we sing
    Many kinds of offerings
    But now to live the life

    Help us live the life
    Help us live the life
    All we want to do
    Is bring You something real
    Bring You something true

    (We hope that)
    Precious are the words we speak
    (We pray that) Precious are the songs we sing
    Precious all these offerings
    But now to live the life

    Now to go the extra mile
    Now to turn the other cheek And to serve You with a life
    Let us share Your fellowship
    Even of Your sufferings
    Never let the passion die

    For the cross

    Matt Redman, Beth Vickers

    I will love You for the cross
    And I will love You for the cost
    Man of sufferings
    Bringer of my peace
    You came into a world of shame
    And paid the price we could not pay
    Death that brought me life
    Blood that brought me home
    Death that brought me life
    Blood that brought me home

    And I love You for the cross
    I'm overwhelmed by the mystery
    I love You for the cross
    That Jesus You would do this for me
    When You were broken,
    You were beaten
    You were punished
    I go free
    When You were wounded and rejected
    In Your mercy, I am healed

    Jesus Christ, the sinner's Friend
    Does this kindness know no bounds?
    With Your precious blood You have purchased me
    O, the mystery of the cross
    You were punished, You were crushed
    But that punishment, has become my peace
    Yes that punishment has become my peace...

    Hallelujah song

    Matt Redman

    With the choir of angels singing
    And the realm of heavenly hosts
    As those elders humbly bow
    I'd love to come to Your throne with a simple song

    With the living creatures speaking
    Praise and praise and praise again
    With the company of heaven
    I'd love to come to Your throne with a song of love

    Hallelujah, Jesus, hallelujah, hallelu
    Hallelujah, Jesus, pouring out my heart to You

    I would bring this praise like incense
    Rising to Your throne above
    Fill the air with heart-filled songs
    Harmonyand melody for the One I love

    Who can tell the adoration
    That will rise up to Your throne
    Every knee that day shall bow
    To the King of Kins, the Holy one,
    The only One
    We'll all be singing...

    The Prayers of the saints

    Matt Redman

    Are the prayers of the saints like
    Sweet smelling incense?
    Are the prayers of the saints like
    Sweet smelling incense? To Your heart
    To Your heart?
    O let these prayers of the saints be
    Sweet smelling incense
    Let these prayers of the saints be
    Sweet smelling incense to Your heart
    Are the songs of the sains...

    All songs © 1997, 1998 Kingsway's Thankyou music

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