
Satellite Soul

Great Big Universe



Satellite sample

I bought this CD whilst rooting through the bargain bin in Leicester's CLC bookshop, in fact I bought about 5 CDs for £3.99 each, one was actually only £1.99, but it was a sampler. Anyway, my theory was that if bands such as Caedmon's Call and Guardian had ended up in there, then there might be other good bands in the bin. So I bought some that looked all right. I bought this one because I had that feeling that I'd heard of them and that they were quite good, but I have no idea where I might have heard of them before. I think I may have heard the Great Big Universe song before. The album is pretty good really. I mean, it's nothing fantastic, but I do like it. I have a feeling that my feelings towards it could improve with repeated exposure. The CD contains mainly quite gentle acoustic songs, with some pretty good lyrics.


  1. Now Watch the Man
  2. Can I
  3. One More Time
  4. Easter - poem by George Herbert
  5. Easter
  6. Oceanic
  7. Wonders of Love
  8. Burns Like Fire
  9. Burden
  10. Black Box
  11. Surrender