
Love? What is love? Some might say it is something you can never fear, that it heals the worst of wounds in your mind, body and soul. Just to see the person you love would be enough to make all your hurts, and your worries fly away from you. But others, others who have been hurt, again and again, would say love is something you would never know until you have been hurt, so deeply that your heart will forever ache. I say love is both. It is something that leaves your heart so vulnerably open, inviting both the sweetest and bitterest feelings humankind could ever hope to feel.
True love awaits somewhere for everyone, but it is up to them to find it, to covet it, and to leave it. Why leave it, some of you may be wondering. Doesn't true love have no ending? You may love a person, but do they love you back as much as you love them? The only way to find out is to let them go. Let them see what else is out there in the world for them. If, in the end, they come back to you, and you still love them as much as before, then you know you have found true love. I know I could never let my loved one go, to see him with another girl, just to see if he well and truly loves me. I just couldn't.
Love is when you are in the highest state of happiness, but also of sadness, because you know that one day you just have to let go. Enjoy your love while it is there, don't hold back, just go with the flow. But don't feel forced..don't do things that feel wrong to you but right to him. Don't rush things in your relationship, if you feel uncomfortable, then tell him, and kiss him only when you can admit to yourself you love him.
If you love someone, let them know. Express it with your words, but more importantly, with your gestures and your eyes. Let them know you love them because it just might be too late and they will be gone forever, you will only be left with a feeling of regret for the rest of your life.
Love..it is one of the most terrifying feelings to have in your heart. It makes you scared, so scared you're almost paranoid. It makes you afraid..afraid of all the wrongs that could happen, afraid that you're holding back too much, afraid that you might lose the person that you know, deep in your heart, you can't live without. When you first realise you are in love with a person, it makes you so scared you want to stop loving that person. You keep denying to yourself that it just isn't true, that it could never happen to you. You know that in the end, love just might be replaced with a shattered heart, and hatred. True hatred can never be without true love. To truly hate someone, you have to love them. The more you love, the more you are capable of hating.

Some say that I am a lucky girl, that I have the perfect life. Perfect parents, almost everything I wanted, and a sweet boyfriend who loves me. But do they really know the turmoil of feelings spinning around inside me? I am scared to love, scared to hate. To me, a first relationship is the hardest one to get through, especially if the two people involved are truly in love with eachother. I'm scared to commit, and the word "eternity" makes my mind so terribly frightened. I know that, in my heart, eternity together with the person I love is what I am looking for, what I long for, and what I so desperately need. But my conscious mind will not leave my heart alone, there is always that paranoid part in me, that part that tells me that true love doesn't exist, that I should get out of this complicated, confusing web of feelings right now. It tells me the longer I stay in it, the deeper I will be cut. My heart and my mind are constantly fighting, so hard that it tears me up inside. I get so tired..sometimes I just want to give up to my mind and forget love, to get out of what could only end up in a hurt so great it will rip me apart. Maybe I'm just paranoid, maybe love is different for everyone, and everyone has a different opinion on what love is and what it's about. Maybe one day someone will prove me wrong. But until then, although I still love a certain someone, there will always be that little part in me, this little edgy feeling in the corner of my mind and heart telling me it's not real, true love doesn't exist, it will never prevail. I'm begging you, begging someone to prove me wrong, to prove that true love does exist between two people.

I found this somewhere..itz so sweet~!