I will be added different types of pictures soon. For now, Enjoy the Matrix pictures and my virtual lava-lamp. Visit my old site at www.geocities.com/tokyo/palace/5992/ it is about dragon ball z and some other sweet stuff.

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A picture of the agents

A picture of Neo in the lobby.

A picture of Neo and Trinity walking into the Lobby.

A picture of the Neo shooting a the chain gun in the helicopter.

A picture of Morpheus

A picture of Agent Smith

A picture of Trinity

A picture of Tank

A picture of Cypher and his electric gun

A picture of Trinity shooting an Agent

A picture of Morpheus fighting Neo

A picture of Morpheus infront of a car

Another picture of Neo and Morpheus fighting

A picture of Mouse

A picture of Neo stopping bullets

A picture of Neo dodging bullets

A picture of Switch and Apoc

A picture of Neo and an Agent diving at eachother

I put 3 of the best pictures into one. I Inverted them

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