Videos and sounds of our own Angelina! Videos and sounds of our own Angelina! email me........please! Angelina's movies in detail Angelina's movies in detail Angelina bio, info & other stuff Angelina bio, info & other stuff The Oh... Angelina photo gallery! The Oh... Angelina Photo gallery


Yes this is "Oh... Angelina - An Angelina Jolie page" AND SOON it will be up for a major overhall, The time is coming soon, but until then I will be making gradual changes. And to all the nice people that emailed me and I never replied, SORRY !!!!!! I had Hard drive and Windows troubles (as usual, the Windows part I mean) And my mail messages were all deleted, I was going to reply, so sorry again!

So please come back!

Last updated 31 March 2000 - Uploaded an interview video with Angelina about her Girl Interrupted character ! OH MY GOD! she won it! Finally an oscar for Angelina, and totally deserving I might add! I got her acceptance speech on video, and should upload it tommorrow, so come back and check it out !

EMAIL me at for details of when Oh... Angelina is up and running

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