Stardragon's 'Academy' Page

Here you will find all the information needed for the Valdemar and Dragonriders of Pern RP's located at Chance Harebell's Academy!

Any questions/site problems etc. please PM me on the Academy.

Last Updated: 02/01/2006


RP Master - Stardragon


Misty's Rules-

The more Gifts a person has the Weaker they ALL are.
Please use the following scale to get an approximate (does not have to be exact) total of 100% over 3 or less(my rule) Gifts -
Very strong = 70%
Strong = 50%
Average = 30%
Weak = 10%

In Valdemar 'There is No One True Way', this references religion

ALL Heralds must be Chosen by a Companion, and you must be Human to be Chosen.

There is NO Blood Magic in Valdemar. Blood magic (except for self blooding) is evil.

Only a Master or Adept Mage can use a Node, both use Leylines as well, Journeyman may only use Leylines. Apprentices can not touch Leylines. Only an Adept can use a Heartstones energy.

Most sentient/smart Non-humans are not Evil. Rarely has Misty had a 'bad apple' among the non-humans and I prefer to keep it that way. Not all of them are nice, but they're not evil per se.

Common Courtesy Rules-

Follow Chance's general rules.

No Cursing as we know it, Valdemaran and other forms IC are allowed with moderation.

Do NOT post strictly OOC comments in the IC threads. I'll create a thread for that. An OOC tag/comment at the bottom of an IC post is fine.

USE the spell check! Do this by posting your reply (via the quick box below) then clicking Modify in the top right corner of the post, the spell check is there at the bottom. OR use the actual Reply button at the bottom of the last post and you will get the full reply options including spell check.

NO one liners!

Always Use third person format! This means you MUST name your character in the post!

Any problems take them to the OOC thread or to me. If the problem is with me please Ask me about it before bothering Chance.

Please do not double post. That means, to me, posting for the same character in the same situation/time twice in a row. Edit into the older post please. Now the same character in two or more different situations/times, is fine to double post for.

Have Fun!!!

My Rules-

Max of 3 Gifts per persona and only if it's logical.

If creating more than one persona at least one must be human. If creating more than 2 at least one must be of the opposite gender.

1 Herald/Herald trainee per person, same for Bardic and Healers.

Max of 1 persona with Mage Gift per person

Max of 1 persona with a Rare or Ultra Rare Gift per person (can be same a Mage Gifted persona but then can only be one persona instead of 2)

Herald-Mages, Herald-Healers, MindHealers and HealingMages will be limited at my discretion.

Please place the participating personas names at the top of each post in () to clarify posts.

Please place Mindspeech, of all forms, in {brackets} or in italics. I'll even take it being an a different color, just something to differentiate it from normal speech.

Guidelines for creation of a persona!

1- The most important one- You MUST have read at Least one full Novel set in the area where your character would come from. AND to prove this you must give the name of one of the Secondary or Minor characters of that book as well as the book title at the end of your persona sheet. I have read every single book and can verify this so please don't try to cheat.
You only need to do verification once for each 'type' of character. For example if you create a Tayledras now and want another later you do not have to give me a second reading example later.

2- You may NOT use any original character from the books, this RP is set a couple hundred years AFTER the last chronological book. Your character may be Distantly related to a character from a book, no direct relations except in the monarchies.

3- Gifts (Mind Magics and Mage Gift) are an intergral part of Velgarth RP. However those Gifted are in the minority in most countries. NO character may have more than 3 Gifts, ONLY 1 Gift may be strong, the others must be proportionately weaker. The more Gifts the weaker they all are. Please see the full Persona Rules in the group for Gift creation/level guidelines.

4- You may not create a new species/race/clan without contacting me for approval first. I will accept almost anything that is feasible within Misty's realm, so this is mostly a formality but it is an important formality.

5- Be reasonable. Everyone has flaws. Odd hair and eye colors are not acceptable as natural coloring in most cases. (No violet eyes/hair is not naturally possible in any species though hair/feather/fur dying Is possible).

6- Have fun with it, be original but don't go hog wild please.

Please see the full Persona Rules in the group for the extent of what kinds of characters you may create!

Maps for our Valdemar

The Persona's of our Valdemar

A blank slot indicates an undetermined fact. N/A = not applicable. PNPC are only for occasional logical posing and Moderator control. NPC's are created already, adoptable and playable by all. Adp indicates the Character is fully adoptable and needs complete or nearly complete creation.

Character Name-Owner Rank Age Gifts Companion/Bondbird
Elena - PNPC Herald-Queen 53 Average Mindspeech, Weak Fetching Tellia - Mare
Karden - PNPC Herald-King 60 Strong Earth-Sense Darik - Stallion
Myr - Star Herald-Monarch's Own 23 Strong Mindspeech Karis - Grove-born Stallion
Oldest Child - Adp Mind-Healer adult n/a
Heir - Adp Herald Trainee
3rd Child - Adp mid-teen
4th Child - Adp teen
5th Child - Adp child
Nora - NPC Herald-Housekeeper 50's Tori - Mare
Marek - NPC Herald-Dean/Historian 40's Average Mindspeech, Weak Farsight
Jakkar - Arch Herald-Mage Trainee 15 Adept potential Mage Gift, Average Mindspeech Fahns - Mare
Malloriel - Erin Herald Trainee 16 Very Strong Mindspeech, Average Firestarting Varrin - Stallion
Senna - Senna Herald Trainee 16 Strong Touch Identification, Weak Healing Kytel - Mare
Johan - NPC Herald Trainee teen Hadren - Stallion
Brianna - NPC Herald Trainee 12-13 Brightstar - Mare
Jentaria - Star Mage Journeywoman 21 Master Mage Gift, Average Dreamspeech n/a
Daren - NPC Bardic Trainee teen n/a
Weria - NPC Healer Trainee teen n/a
Fredin - NPC Unaffiliated - Artificer 20's n/a



Dragonriders of Pern

RP Masters - Stardragon and Melinda


1- Follow Chance's General Rules

2- No Chatspeak!!! Usage once will get you warned, use it twice after warning and you will be removed without further warning.

3- Avoid One-liner posts! Occasionally is ok, constantly will get you warned and then removed from play.

4- Follow the basic canon of Anne McCaffrey's Pern. This means you MUST have read at least one Pern book in order to know the basic canon. NO Wars and NO Religion are two of the biggest ones to know but not all of them by any means.

5- Dragon to dragon/firelizard and Dragon to human mindspeech must be set in some format that will differentiate it from normal out loud speech. This can be italics, :: {} [] or any combination of them. I will even accept it being colored to match the dragons color, so long as it is clear that it's mindspeech. I personally recommend these {brackets}.

6- Firelizard's communicate in emotions/feelings Not words. Firelizards may be called Flits, their communications with each other, dragons or humans must be in a different format from regular speech and different from the format you use for dragon speech. I recommend these [brackets].

7- Weyrling training lasts for 1 1/2 Turns. This is not the same as AM's canon so that we can move the RP along a bit faster. All weyrlings report to the Weyrling Master. Weyrlings may resume craft lessons in their free time AFTER Graduation if they choose to.

8- Green, Blue and Brown dragons reach sexual maturity at 2-2 1/2 turns old. Bronzes at 2 1/2-3 and Golds at about 3 turns. All dragons reach physical maturity 3-6 months before they reach sexual maturity.

9- Candidates must be 12-20 turns of age. Before their 12th and After their 21st birthing day a person may not Stand for Impression. Candidates report to the Candidate Master, and may continue to pursue a craft when there are not eggs on the Sands and active Candidate classes.

10- Have Fun!

Persona Rules:

All persona's must be approved before you begin RP play.

Use this format for Persona information, you may add more but you must have these:


Rank: (include craft rank for dragonriders/candidates if they have one)
Parents/Siblings: (include ranks if they have them, and where they are if it's not StarFall Weyr)
Physical Description:

When applicable-
Pets: (these must be approved, gold and bronze Flits are responsibilities and will not be allowed lightly. Cats are called felines, dogs are canines.)

Keep in mind when creating names that the Pernese tend to use alterations/combinations of the parents names to name thier children. And they are not your usual Earth type names but may be similar. They are almost always over 5 letters long. And they may NOT be a perversion of some other authors character names, not for humans or dragons. i.e no F'rodo and Aragorneth or anything equally cheesy and ridiculous.

For Candidates: (Candidates must be at least 12 and not over 20)
1st Color choice for Impression and 1-3 name options:
2nd Color choice and names:
3rd Color choice and names:
(if you have a 3rd)
Dragon Personality:

I will NOT guarantee any specific color to anyone but will guarantee if it's not on your list you won't Impress to it. This may mean you won't Impress for a while however since my Hatchings are always held with an aspect of randomness to be fair.

For Crafters:
If you'd like a Master rank Ask, I'll consider it.
Average ages for each rank level-
Apprentice- 10-20
Journeyman- 20-30
Master- 30+
Hall Master- 35+
Craft Master- 40+
Crafts that have halls at the Weyr or StarFall Hold are-
Healers, Starcraft, Herdbeast craft, Runnerbeast craft, Farmcraft, Winecraft.
Craft positions that will be needed but do not have a hall- Tailor, Weaver, Cook, Seacraft, Dolphineering and many more.

For Weyrlings:
Male dragonriders take an honorific at Impression, sometimes it's given you by the dragonet sometimes you choose it yourself. An honorific almost always is the 1st letter and the last 2-3 letters of the charries full name. An exagerated ex. Cariminelan would be C'an or C'lan. Something already short like Fred would generally just get an ' put in to make it F'red.
Females usually do not take an honorific but they may if they want, this is more likely to happen with female blueriders.

Candidate/Weyrling Training Schedules and Daily Routines

Now for Dragon creation rules:

ALL dragon names end in -th. No perversions of other authors characters, period.

There are only 5 colors of dragon- Gold, Bronze, Brown, Blue, Green. Gold and Green are female, only Golds lay eggs. Women may Impress Gold, Green and Blue (Female Blueriders are usually homosexual or bisexual). Men may rider Bronze, Brown, Blue and Green. (Male Blueriders are usually bisexual, male Greenriders are always bisexual or homosexual.)

Only 3-4 adult Golds will be allowed at any given time in this weyr, and they will be awarded based on merit.

Bronzes are earned by merit, unproven literates must play a 'lesser' color or other position to prove you can handle a bronze.

Average sizes at full growth-
Golds- 38-43 feet nose to tail tip
Bronzes- 35-38 feet
Browns- 30-35 feet
Blues- 25-30 feet
Greens- 20-25 feet

Use the following for full grown dragons-

Dragon Name:
(include length at full growth)

StarFall Weyr- What it looks like!

Persona's of StarFall

Dragonriders        Staff        Crafters