StarFall Weyr Façade


StarFall is located in a mountain range that once held three active volcanoes. All of the three volcanoes have been dormant for several hundred Turns if not more, and at some point in time there was an earthquake that split the range in two. The result is a very long wide valley made up of volcanic rock for the most part. A lake has formed in the north end of the valley from a river that’s course was broken by the earthquake. The river now cascades in a waterfall down the north face of the valley cliffs creating a large fresh water lake at the cliffs base and then running a ‘new’ course down the middle of the valley splitting the two sides near evenly.


On top of the range near the waterfall is the Starcraft hall. A large 4 story structure made of the indigenous rock with myriad open balcony for star observation. Directly below the Star Hall is the main entrance of the Lower Caverns of StarFall Weyr. The double doors to the Dining Hall are the farthest to the left if you are facing the waterfall. A smaller entrance to the hallways of the Lower Caverns sits in the middle and then the oversized door that leads to the Kitchens is closest to the lake although still a goodly distance from the water’s edge. Staff quarters, storerooms, the creche and the Headwoman’s office are behind the Kitchens and Dining Hall.


On the right side of Star Lake is the large gaping hole in the side of the mountain that is the Hatching Caverns. This hole is easily high enough for dragons to fly into with ease and the interior is even bigger with several tiers of stone bench seats for human spectators and dozens of ledges for dragons above that.


To the right of the Hatching Caverns, if you are facing them, are the dragon-wide entrance to the Junior Weyrling Barracks and the second level Senior Weyrling Weyrs. The Candidates Barracks are located interiorly behind the Junior Weyrling Barracks. The Senior Barracks are above the Juniors as dragons must be able to fly to receive Senior status, there are however exterior and interior stairs to the Senior level. Seniors share double weyrs with another Senior of the same clutch. The Weyrlingmaster and Candidate Master offices are to the right of the Barracks, side by side. Bathing chambers are interior and shared by Weyrling and Candidate alike, though they are separated by gender. There is a storeroom with dragonet supplies accessible from the interior hallways that run between the Candidate and Weyrling barracks all the way to the Hatching Grounds.


To the right of the offices one can see the entrances to the Dragon and Human Infirmaries. The dragon entrance is wide enough to handle a half-grown gold dragonet, adult dragons are treated on the sands outside and allowed to recuperate on the own ledges or the ground level weyrs found to the right of the Infirmaries.


Greenrider Weyrs are on the level directly above the Kitchens and Dining Hall. Above them is the Bluerider Weyrs and above that the Brownriders Weyrs. Each level has myriad large bathing rooms for that levels occupants to share. The weyrs stretch all the way from the waterfall to the far end of the valley though only those closest to the waterfall are occupied by StarFall’s currently small occupancy. There are three stairways total leading to these levels, one on each end and in the center. Every weyr has an exterior ledge for dragons to land on.


Above the Senior Weyrling Weyrs are the classrooms; these have exterior and interior access. Above the Infirmaries are the Healer storerooms. Above them is the Healer offices and Weyr Harper’s office and storeroom.


The fourth level of the right side of the weyr is home to the Bronzeriders Weyrs. And the fifth is home to the Goldrider Weyrs and the Goldrider and Weyrleaders offices. There is one interior staircase that leads up to the Bronze and Gold levels only, though a second stairway does go to the third level.