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TV Internet Index

Golden Age
Andy Griffith Show
Beverly Hillbillies
Dick Van Dyke
Dobie Gillis
Father Knows Best
Gilligan's Island
Hogan's Heroes
Leave it toBeaver
Lone Ranger
I Love Lucy
Three Stooges
Twilight Zone

Western journey back to the old West
Eighties TV
American TV Home


1950's-1960's Television

Father Knows Best '54

     New*    50's Culture         Music      Drive-ins     Cars 

What an amazing time it was . It was beginning of a new fangled device called a television. And I Love Lucy, Father Knows Best, Honeymooners, Leave it to Beaver, the Lone Ranger, and the three stooges entertained millions.
This was a simpler time, till the sixties came along! But before crazy guys like the Monkees showed up there was Andy Griffith, Dick Van Dyke, and Dobie Gillis. Then came Batman, a campy take on a popular superhero. Then came many more favorites like Hogan's Heroes, Gilligan's Island, and Beverly Hillbillies. And before the monkees we were terrified by the twilight zone.

Andy Griffith Book Store

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Before you go surfing elsewhere make sure you visit all the web pages on this site. It will be a lot of fun!

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