Some easy Oz crafts for you make and enjoy.  Get out the glue and scissors! Links to other websites on the web, not only dedicated to Oz but also to other things I like. My really cool on-line Oz boardgame.  You've got to try it.
Read my favorite Oz quotes from the movie, and then send me yours! A really educational place, where you can read and learn about all the sides of Oz - the movies, books, stage shows and more! This page talks about the clubs dedicated to Oz, and other ways you can help keep the Oz spirit alive.
Read my speech I wrote in grade 7, with lots of information in it about the movie. Information on my slowly growing Oz collection and suggestions for yours.

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Please do not take the Adam of Oz's Wizard of Oz Webpage Logo (found at the top of every page), or the footer (found at the bottom of every page), and the link pictures I designed. I created them and they are not to be copied without my permission. My Board Game is also not to be copied. As in the same way, if there is a picture here that orginated at your personal website and you wish it to be removed from my site, please e-mail me. Thanks!

© 2000 Adam Mason