Hi there.  Glad you found me.  My 
name is Myles Wakeham.  I'm an Australian born male, 32, living in 
a city in Australia called Adelaide.  
I've spent much of my life involved in technology and music. 
Much of the time, mixing the two together (I have produced recordings and
ran a professional recording studio in Los Angeles) as well as 
being an active musician (I play guitar and bass).  I also am the owner and
manager of Tech Solutions (Aust) Pty Ltd, a computer consulting firm in 
Adelaide, Australia.
Its hard to say that much about myself.  I wish someone else was
writing this.  Anyway here's a few snapshots and links to articles
that I have written, etc.  I'm going to make a consistent effort to 
update my page this year (1997) so please keep an eye on this space.

You can E-Mail me anytime. Just click on my E-Mail address...



OK, well as many of you know, I am a record producer by trade, as well as an all-round technical sorta guy. So here's some articles that I wrote for the South Australian Songwriters, Composers & Lyricists Association (SCALA) all about marketing your music to the United States Music Industry. Let me know what you think...

Click to read my articles

And while we are on the subject of SCALA, here's a link to their home page.


SCALA Home Page

And this is where I live....

Adelaide, Austraiia

and this is where it is... and one of the great joys of life!

Ciao for now...