
Here you'll find info on recent Batman news or page updates to this site. You might want to check it every so often to see what's new.

What's new?
Site Hey again Bat-fans! Just wanted everyone to know that I'm still alive and kickin'. I've been learning quite a bit in much more since I started any type of web design. It really is amazing to look back after every year and see just how much things have changed or what you know now that you didn't then. I would really love to get some more pages up on this site, but I know if I end up getting started on it I'm going to want to change things around almost completely to make it easier on myself to update since I now know how to work with databases and dynamic web pages. But, of course, you don't get all these things out of a free web host such as Geocities. I'd have to purchase webspace or host it myself, which wouldn't be a problem, but I don't have any financial gain with having this website up at the moment.

It's funny how several years ago (geez, must now be 3-4 years) when I had first begun the site the thing I was concerned most about was attracting visitors. I tried and tried like crazy to list this site with search engines or at least get some hits..after all, if you're going to create a site you want to put a lot of time into and want people all over the world to see, you want to get at least a few hits every day. Now, finally, the site averages a fair amount of visitors per day, but the time I can place into the site is now currently the problem. Just goes to show, sometimes you can't win :-/

I really hope I can get some new things added here or figure out a way I can pay for the expenses of having this site hosted elsewhere and still break even or come out ahead. I wouldn't want to put a lot of advertising all over it, as I hate it as much as the next guy and I'd really hate to see this site fall back into the shadows after all the work put into it. I'm also considering checking on interest of anyone that would like to continue work on the site in a similar fashion (ie, continue adding content, but not so much killing the design--or possibly making an improvement to the design). Anyway, just playing with the idea, but if I can't put time into it myself down the road, it's a definite possiblity.

-Ace / Wayne
Sorry folks..
Site I apologize for not getting anything done with the site in the past..well, probably the past year at least. To tell the truth, I haven't had a chance to devote a large amount of time to the site like I could do in the past. I'm really unsure if/when I will update the site in the future, but I'd like to thank all the Bat-fans that have supported this site since its existence. I hope everyone's enjoyed this page as much as I had enjoyed making it!

-Ace / Wayne
Back to the :)
Site Well, I just replaced the old message board with a nice new one. You have to register a user id, but it's great as far as letting you customize things and with the amount of features it has. It also let me break the forum into different categories for organizational purposes. Anyway, it's totally free to register with it and you'll be able to keep that user name until you decide you no longer want it. So, check it out (from the main page click "Msg. Board").

Heeeeeereee's Johnny!!
Other Yes, it's been a while since anything on this page was updated. The only excuse I really have is college work has been keeping me busy :P But now that it's summer, perhaps I'll add a little more to the site. I still need some Batman episodes if anyone has a majority of them and can help out. I believe I have up to episode 20 or, it'll be a while before I'm actually in dire need of them, but it wouldn't hurt to get them early. Meanwhile, I'll see if I can get a little done here!
What will the year 2000 bring Batman?
Other Well, the Y2k scare is over and now really the only question we should be asking is what will the year 2000 bring Batman? A new costume? A new enemy? I guess we'll just have to wait and see!

Removed some dead links on the Bat-Links page. Working some more on the site. I may be able to get some of the videos I'm missing from a contact I have out at college and start working on some more episodes in the future. Right now I'm selling stuff on Ebay (getting rid of junk, along with making some money for college).

Page Updates? When???
Updates I'm at college currently..sort of like starting a new life. So far it's been fun :) I haven't been able to work on the page because I lack the tools to do so (scanner, digital camera, vcr). So, I've been "goofing off" doing homework instead!

So, you ask. When will there be updates? I'm not sure..I will continue to update as I find time to do so, but I also need to make money to pay for college. Sorry I can't give an exact date, but if I did it probably wouldn't be correct either. I'm still looking to purchase the remaining episodes I can get, but not right at the the future. They'd need to be on at least the type of recording that allows 6hrs (that SP?) and hopefully not too expensive as my budget doesn't allow much (I don't advertise on my pages..I hate ads).


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