lee and "mikey" the creative mac
Here I'm editing at Starstrom Productions. Actually, on Mikey's screen you can vaguely see a clip from "fun with ADD", which I hope you'll have time to go see.
I've always loved editing. From the first time I ran around with the family "super 8, silent, home movie camera" shooting everything in sight and then meticulously splicing together tiny film clips, I've loved the editing process.
Now, I edit on "Mikey" my creative computer using Avid Cinema and Adobe Premiere, but the creative high is the same. Mostly, I love editing for Directing Students at UCLA, but I have done other interesting projects as well: like the offline editing for the California Literacy PSA through WIF (now airing on Network Television), a demo, "Mysteries of Catalina Island" being considered for PBS, and a demo pilot, "Sheila the Healer" for Australian Television (she got green lighted, but got hit by a bus and died).
I especially love editing music videos for new artists.
Of course, I haven't given up on my aspirations of becoming a director. Editing is just one of the many rungs of the ladder. The "gossip" is that editors make the best directors, and the best editors are women. It seems like there's hope for me yet!
The short video clip below is from the beginning of a "demo" that I show new directing students at UCLA. The actual promotional music video is eight minutes long, and features some UCLA student clips that I have edited and cut to two of Rick's songs. Who's Rick? More on that later.
Download time for the QuickTime Movie may be lengthy with a slow modem...sorry.
And next: Hollywood Filmmaker, Director, Artist, Screenwriter, Composer, Video Editor, Starstrom Productions