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What is a Diva?
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. di | va (dee' - vah) n., pl. -vas or -|ve (-ve)
[Italy < L, goddess, fem. of divus, god: see DIETY] a leading woman singer , esp. in a grand opera; prima donna.

. And the dictionary doesn't even begin to cover it: being a Diva is all about the hair, the clothes, the attitude, the history, the notoriety, the hits, the entourage, the octaves, and the intangible something that sets all celebrities apart from the rest of us - star power.

You can't become a Diva overnight. It takes years of practice , a whole lot of luck, love from your fans , and most of all, ambition that burns bright enough to light the world for the all eternity.

Normally, gathering this many Divas in one place is like begging for trouble (just ask Diva-friendly VH1), but at Divas of the Millenium it's wall-to-wall Divas. Just click on the Diva of your choice below:


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