

Water Bearer




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The water bearer: The Sign of Aquarius is symbolized by the Water Bearer. In much the same way that the Water Bearer brings that precious liquid as a gift, Aquarians shower the world with their thoughts and new ideas. Luckily for Aquarians (and the rest of us), they are at a near-genius level, so their minds churn out some amazing things. Their thought process is also inventive and original. While Aquarians are happy to bestow these ideas as a gift with no strings attached, they are much happier when the rest of the world agrees with them. Some will find that Aquarians can be impatient, even temperamental, with those who disagree. Yes, these folks can be quite fixed in their opinions, in keeping with the Fixed Quality assigned to this Sign. Even though Aquarians are happy to give, and they do, it's often on their terms and within their comfort level. Generally, that means ample space, since these folks are freedom-loving and individualistic and need to roam (and yes, they do enjoy travel). While Aquarians are generally sympathetic and compassionate, they like it when things go their own quirky way. Some might call their behavior eccentric (and they would be right), but when you consider that the Aquarian's heart is truly in the right place, a few oddities should be overlooked. In their own way, Aquarians treasure their many friends and acquaintances and want to give back as much as they can.

I initiated this site to communicate the ideas, thoughts, and feelings of myself and my family. A little info about myself: As it states above, I am a water bearer, born January 25, 1975 at 5:45 p.m. EST. As you can see, 5 is a big number in my life and I do consider it my lucky number. I am currently married to the most marvelous man on the planet, and we experienced the joy of having our first child August 16, 2000 (Leo's child). Web design looks as if it may change from hobby to profession if I can get it together here. Please check back here often. Don't forget to visit my Tribute to Best Friends and Delta Sigma Theta pages!


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