Rusty Sticker's

If you're not a Neil Young fan, you're probably in the wrong place.
This page is pretty Neily.
If you are a fan and want to find out more, go to HyperRust.
Here are the bumper stickers that were produced. 500 stickers were sold and a total of $1,150 was donated to the Bridge School on June 11, 1996. Send mail to Stray Gator (aka Derek Dickson). There are no plans to produce any more of these stickers. Sorry.

Click on small image to download JPG.

Hawks & Doves/Rust@Death Bumper Sticker(SORRY, SOLD OUT)#1 JPG - 87K


Live Music IS Better/Purple words on a gray background#2 JPG - 79K


Actual size is 9 by 3 inches.

WARNING: Read This!

Here's some Neil related backgrounds I use.

Click on small image to download full size JPG.

Neil Young in the DesertJPG - 221K Neil Young on the MoonJPG - 316K Neil Young on the EnterpriseJPG - 219K


Home on the Range
Neil Young Radio Spot
Everyone Knows this is Nowhere Radio Spot
Rustied in Cyberspace - Piece of Crap (The youngster on this recording is my boy!)
Guide to Cassette Decks and Tape Trading

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