This is my personal collection of Larisa Oleynik stuff! I includes autographs, articles, and info about Larisa. I will update this as soon as I get new articles or autographs. I you find any problems with links or pics please email me and let me know. Updated 1216/96.

Here are some autographs from Larisa. The autograph in the center is the only real autograph form Larisa the rest are from nickelodeon.

Larisa was in a TV guide article in October, I scanned it at school, the only problem is that the first page is huge.

Here are some pics I found on an exclusive site. I don't think you'll find them any where else.

This pic was taken from the net

Here is an article and picture about Larisa and her work on fighting teenage smoking.

Article describing Larisa Work for Tobacco Free Kids

Articles I have posted on my page that you might have missed.

Interview w/ Tampa Bay online

An article from the LA Times

A fan's article filled with info

An on-line interview w/ Larisa

The Larisa Oleynik WWW Page

The Larisa Oleynik Photo Gallery

The Larisa Oleynik Sound Archive

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