Si T. Sheep

Si T. Sheep is a litle creation of mine that I dreamt up one bored afternoon. Several people have asked me if I draw him myself, and the answer is "Yes, I do, and it takes absolutely bloody ages to do as well!" It is for this reason that I ask the following:
If you copy any of my sheep animations for use on your own page (which you are quite welcome to do), then please include a link to my main page underneath the Gif to indicate where it came from. Also, if you are feeling adventurous, you could E-Mail me or leave a message in my guestbook letting me know your URL so that I could visit your page myself.

Now here's the man himself, Si T. Sheep:

  1. Si T. Sheep's latest adventure!

  2. Si showing off his legs

  3. Si proving his indestructibility

  4. Si loses his head!

  5. Si T. Sheep's first appearance

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Hope to hear from you soon!

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