Kokee's Shrine to Herself


The moment this world was first graced with my presence-

June 9, 1979 - 12:19 a.m.

Eye Color and Hair Color-

Beautiful shades of hazel and light brown

My favorite things (for all of you who are or are keeping a file on me *Mmm-hmm: that's for those FBI agents who keep following me*)-

I like: books, movies, music, hanging out, and chatting. I live for my friends. *I think there is nothing better in this world than a true friend.* I LOVE the movies "Gone With The Wind" and "Empire Records". I like all kinds of music, but hate those stupid elevator tunes. *UGH!* I love my cat, Lone Star. *smiles* I love a smiling face. *SMILE. It will make people wonder what you are up to.* I love honesty, reliability, and a sense of humor. I also love a man with a goatee.

Are you writing this down?

What about my infatuation with angels??-

Yes, it is very true that I love angels. I have an angel border in my room, pictures of angels, statues of angels, even earrings with angels on them. But why? Why would I have all these things with these beautiful creatures on them? Maybe it is because they remind me of me. *JUST KIDDING* No, I think it is because angels give us two little things- FAITH AND HOPE. In what exactly? I think it is FAITH in God and HOPE that we will all be one of these beautiful creatures one day.

What about my obsession about everything that is Matthew (McConaughey, that is)??-

I have thought that Matthew McConaughey is the best looking man in Hollywood since he starred in the flick "A Time To Kill". I had seen him other things, but had never "SEEN" him before. But then, there was his beautiful face in the previews for this movie based on the novel by John Grisham and I knew that this guy was the new star for Hollywood. So, I became a huge fan.

Why do I LOVE Mark Grace??-

First of all, for those of you who don't know who this man is, Mark Grace is the Chicago Cubs First Baseman. That out of the way...I don't know why I love Mark Grace. It just sort of happened. I don't really think I love him. I just have a really big crush. *blushes* But anyway, I think that this man has the most beautiful eyes. He is just cute though, also. He grew a goatee last season and *heart pounds* it looked so GOOD! But that is besides the point. He is a very good baseball player and could probably go to any team he wanted, but his loyalties lie with the CUBS. Now do you see why I love this man? *laughs*

So that is me. I really am not as conceited as it seems. I was just having a little bit of fun. So, forgive me if I got a little too silly.


As my favorite actor Matthew McConaughey said in the movie "Dazed and Confused", JUST KEEP LIVIN'!!!

**This part of this page dedicated to my sisters, Whitney and Michelle, my two favorite cousins, Chelsea and Chance, and to my good friends, Erin and Chris. I love you all. Thanks for being there. **

Music from one of my favorite artists...Garth Brooks.

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