The Ed Harris Photo Gallery - THE TRUMAN SHOW

Here are pages and pages of images of Ed from THE TRUMAN SHOW... These pics are all separated out so you have a slight chance of seeing and/or downloading them while you're logged on! And now that I've seen the movie, I can tell you where these pictures are from/what they have to do with anything.

Wrinkly eyes Okay, so here's the first picture of Ed (Christof) from THE TRUMAN SHOW. It's not really the first because this is just about when Ed throws his temper tantrum. Around this point in the movie, Ed gets out of bed (he's in a bathrobe and pajamas) to check on the show. He finds out that Truman has escaped (probably because the control room people were munching on pizza) and he starts barking orders at people. The little microphone is his connection to all of the actors in Seahaven - a virtual "island" built inside a giant dome in Hollywood.
rings n nails Ed seems to spend a lot of this movie with these hideous-looking rings and fairly long (for a guy) fingernails. Bleah. And that hat, what's up with that? Well, Christof is basically a freak, so that probably explains everything. He eats, drinks, sleeps, and breathes THE TRUMAN SHOW, sort of the way I do Ed Harris. Okay, it's not that bad, I swear.
Ed and his pen Okay, so here's Ed with some random people watching something that Jim Carrey is doing. The freaky Asian woman is named Chloe and she seems to have a British accent. The bearded guy is one of the control room people who's busy eating pizza when Truman gets away.
The chair I don't really know when this scene happened - Ed doesn't sit down much during the movie. But this is one of many images available from Paramount where Ed is sitting in front of a window in this funky futuristic-looking chair. He has really weird shoes on too. More on those later. Now the control room is the moon at night; during the day you can't see it - I guess it looks like part of the sky then. You would think it would be sort of fishy that the moon is out every single night in exactly the same HUGE shape. But maybe they rewrote Truman's history books or something so he wouldn't know that that wasn't the way it was supposed to be. So that moon background (in the window) is really just the outside of the control area.
up close n personal Here's a good closeup of the side of Ed's head. His eyes look healthier in this picture than they do throughout much of the movie. Maybe it's just his lenses or something? Now you're probably wondering why I'm totally obsessing over his eyes. It's just that his eyes are SO SO NICE and he looked way younger in ABSOLUTE POWER and I just can't envision his eyes looking so...worried and tired and old! No offense, Ed!

Head on over to the next page of "Christof" pics.

© 1998 Sue Wang

This page was updated 21 August 1998.

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