Cassie Layne

Stripper with a Heart of Gold

Annie and Alan found Reva's sister, Cassie Layne working as a stripper in order to get money to spring her child from foster care. Seems her daughter Tammy was taken away when her ex-husband was busted for drugs. Annie and Alan quickly hired her to destroy their nemeses, Josh and Reva. In desperation Cassie agreed, and is now working as a secretary for Billy Lewis in Lewis Oil. Her job was to leak info to Alan and Annie about Lewis finances to facillitate a takeover. Also, she was to make Billy fall for her big time, and then move in on Josh in order to f*%& up all their personal lives as well. Only problem wass, Cassie liked the Lewis' and has a heart of gold. And Cassie's growing attraction to Hart Jessup and growing abhorrence of Whinah Marler has led to quite a little messy love triangle. Cassie discovered that she is Reva's sister, double-crossed Annie and Alan, and regained custody of her daughter Tammy, leaving her free to come between Dinah and Hart. Hart left Dinah for Cassie and the two enjoyed some brief happiness. Dinah's manipulations brought Rob Layne back into town, but nothing happened there. Cassie's secretive involvement with the Reva Clone was what tore apart her relationship with Hart, as she has let him think that she and Josh are having an affair.

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