SiL KhaNnAz
-= PenDiTa GiLa=-

reKordEd : KiNg StUdiO, PetaLIng JaYa
ProDuCeD : C.D
EnGiNeeReD N MIxED : Sam / SiL KhannAz
ComPIsitioN : C.D
LyRiCs : JaEi JoKhannAz xcept EastErN...' by DeaThCraNe
FeMale VoicEs : NaBeLa
CoVeR LayOut : DeaThCrANe
PhOto : WaZan

LeAd : C.D
VoCal : JaEi


Thy MeNteraS

1. Kiss Of ThE WhisPer

2. EaStErN BarBarIC SkuLLKrUshER

3. PeNDitA GiLa

4. BeYoNd The ShaDoW oF
    The ETerNaL BeLiEf

Let tHe WhiSper leAd the way...
SILKHANNAZ shall light up
the Path
MaIN 1