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Home Page of the Friers

walking Pavillion Beach

Greetings!!! You are visitor #Counter. Our names are Sylvia and Ben, and we are a couple of the nicest people you will ever meet on the 'net and MAJOR Trek fans! Even though this page is under continual construction we are always looking for new ideas. We use to be found in the Star Trek Lounge or Star Fleet Academy Chat where we had this next to our names (usually as Lwaxana and Mr_Homn) BUT you could just E-Mail Ben or me. We always answer. :) Our other interests include sports (Ben golfs, or at least tries), history, cooking, and philosophical discussions. We have a very interesting story to tell about romance (my version) in the StarFleet Lounge (Ben's version), so please sit a while and enjoy! A special hello to my real family(click on "family" for a couple of pictures) that is on the web. Also greetings to MARC WADE (Thor), Guy Vardaman (the Tick), At this point, I would like to acknowledge all those who has assisted me with this page. I appreciate their patience and understanding: Qwho (PLEASE visit her page, The Star Trek Universe, on my links page!!!), David, Sir Dom, Burak, and Jaqulien.
We have also started adding a few wavs files.Click here for some of our zip files.

on Novmember 9, 2003!!!

Oh ya, Ben and I travelled to Hollywood to visit PDE in December, 1998, so visit this page to see how our vacation turned out!

Marc Wade's last day at PDE was on Friday, February 18th. He will be missed by everyone, but I think by Ben and me most of all. Naturally, I just HAD to put up a little tribute page or two! Click here to see the results!

This page is about finished (I have used up all my space...he he he), so we hope you enjoy your visit and come back often to see if we have changed anything. Hopefully, we will be rotating our zip files.

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The British Invasion

Pictures of some of our cyberbuds!

Sullivan Ballou Letter

Lounge Lizards Yearbook for 1996!

To make it easier to get around my pages, you may start here at my listing page...

Trek Links

Homepages and other Links of Interest!

The 1998 Lounge Lizard's Yearbook!

Please feel free to use this banner (created by the famous, or is that infamous?, BaT'aL) to link our page to YOURS!!!

© 1996-2003

Parmount Home Page

Anything on these pages relating to Star Trek is, of course, copyrighted and registered to Paramount Pictures.

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