Produced by: 20th Century Fox
Directed by: William Cameron Menzies
Released in U.S. on May 27, 1953
Running time: 78 minutes

INVADERS FROM MARS is considered by many to be the definitive "Cold War" science-fiction film. Liberally laced with the paranoia of that era, it is not only an exceptional film, but a reflection of the sentiment of the 1950's as well

Jimmy Hunt, Arthur Franz, & Helena Carter

Hillary Brooke, Leif Erickson, Bert Freed, Max Wagner, Morris Ankrum, Charles Cane, Milburn Stone.

Short Description:
During a thunderstorm, a young boy witnesses the landing of a flying saucer in a nearby field. No one will believe the boy's wild tale, and the aliens (who remain unseen in their subteranean space ship) begin controlling the town's inhabitants, including his own father and mother. It all comes to a climatic end when the U.S. army takes on the aliens from mars.

Long Description:
David MacLean (JIMMY HUNT), a typical American twelve-year-old whose hobby is astronomy, awakens one night to see what appears to be a spaceship magically disappearing underground in a field near his house. The boy's father, engaged in secret atomic missile work at a nearby plant, goes to investigate. When he returns, some strange, chilling change overtakes him, and a small scar is apparent on the back of his neck. It is not long before David's mother, too, comes under this contaminating influence. Young David then sees a neighbor's little girl being swallowed up by the earth near the place where the spaceship landed. She later turns up safe, but cold and sinister - and with the same scar.

No one believes the boy's fantastic story. Increasing terror strikes him with his fear and concern for his parents. Finally, Dr. Pat Blake (HELENA CARTER), an attractive young physician with the city health department, takes him to a mutual friend, Dr. Stuart Kelston (ARTHUR FRANZ). An astronomer, Kelston soon finds evidence to support the lad's discovery: through the observatory's telescope they see the commanding general in charge of security being swallowed up by the earth. They instantly alert the Army.

As demolition squads begin to blast down under the earth, Pat and young David are pulled underground. Weird humanoid creatures, eight feet tall, force them through luminous passages to the underground spaceship, where a Martian in a glass ball directs his synthetically created giants.

At first the terrifying invaders, immune to bullets and armed with devastating weapons, appear invincible. But at the last minute, David manages to get control of one of the ray-guns himself, and with it blasts the way to freedom seconds before a demolition charge blows up the spaceship.

Brilliantly designed and directed by William Cameron Menzies (art director for GONE WITH THE WIND and director of H. G. Wells' classic THINGS TO COME) Invaders From Mars is a surrealistic nightmare that's impossible to forget!