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Support the children of the IRA unlawfully jailed in British prisons. Consider a donation to: Irish Political Prisoners Children's Holiday, 262 Priscilla Lane, Alden, Pennsylvania, 19018 attn: National Treasurer.

The Irish American Lobby (IAL) is a popular Irish American internet organization dedicated to Ireland's national unification. The IAL decree that the political violence that exists in northern Ireland stems from the presence of the British authorities and the British troops garrisoned in the region. The IAL call for the immediate and peaceful withdrawal of all British troops from the north of Ireland.

The IAL work toward the goal of fostering better relations between citizens of an unjustly divided Irish nation. We encourage people from various nationalities, ethnic, and political backgrounds from around the world to come together in order to foster better political relations between the Irish people.

The IAL maintain a separate identity on the internet in order to aid the intellectual growth and development of its members, many of whom reside in Ireland, Scotland, and Wales. We provide visitors to our website with several links to the various nationalist and republican political parties and organizations that exist in northern Ireland in order to educate our visitors on the options available to them in support of the cause for Irish Freedom in northern Ireland.

In brief, Sinn Fein is considered the political wing of the Irish Republican Army (IRA). The 32 County Sovereignty Committee (32 CSC) is affiliated with the Real IRA (RIRA). Republican Sinn Fein is a political party separate from Sinn Fein and is considered the political wing of the Continuity IRA, whereas the Irish Republican Socialist Party is affiliated with the Irish National Liberation Army (INLA). Sinn Fein, 32 CSC, Republican Sinn Fein, and the IRSP also maintain separate aid organizations to support political prisoners in northern Ireland. The Social Democratic and Labour Party (SDLP) receives the largest majority of nationalist votes in northern Ireland, but does not support armed resistance against the British government.

The IAL openly welcome the admission of Irish nationalist political parties into the current round of peace negotiations in northern Ireland, and oppose the British government's decision to suspend the Good Friday Agreement (GFA), and demand that the British government resume peace talks in northern Ireland. Moreover, the IAL support the decision of the American government to remove the Irish Republican Army (IRA) from its official list of "terrorist organizations." Because, in the words of former President Ronald Reagan, "one man's terrorist is another man's freedom fighter."

Thank-you for visiting our website. The IAL encourage you to chat at our chat room, surf our links, sip your Guinness and have some fun!! TIOCFAIDH AR LA.

This website is dedicated to Imrial, a woman of strong Irish heritage.


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