Okay, time to see how obsessive you are about Roundhouse again!

This guy couldn't handle it, can you?

  1. What order are the cast members billed in the first season opening credits?

  2. In which episode did the three "dudes" first appear?

  3. What is John Smith's middle name?

  4. What were "kinda young" and "really screwed up?"

  5. Which episode does Crystal do a dance bumper in?

  6. How many gangs and gang members were there in the U.S. at the time of the gang episode?

  7. What do you need more quarters to do?

  8. What makes up Lex Lunchroom?

  9. Which ear does David Nicholl have peirced?

  10. Which episode does Mark wear red pants in?

  11. What was the guy's name at the cheeraholic meeting?

  12. Who's real names were said in the "Endings" episode?

  13. Who's candle went out during the Christmas song?

  14. What can be recycled into a bra?

  15. Which cast member is in the John Michael Montgomery video "Sold?"

  16. WWhat was the last commercial skit ever done on Roundhouse?

  17. What show was the commercial in #16 originally in?

  18. What allows you to prune your bushes and spy on your neighbors?

  19. Who is dumb kid's guest on his new talk show?

  20. What pavilion was "Silence of the Lambchop" showing?


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