This is my disclamer page. In other words, my page claiming I don't own Disney, Sailormoon, or a lot of other stuff. Okay.

Disney:I don't own it, I don't work there, (even though I'd like to some day,) and any opinions I express about their company or characters are mine, not theirs. (That's worded weird.) Also, I didn't make the Disney pictures on this page, they are copyright of the Disney company. I got the pictures from Aaron's Disney Clipart Collection.

Sailor Moon:I don't own Sailor Moon either!! (Surprise!) Sailormoon is copyrighted by Naoko Takeuchi, Toei Animation, (spelling I'm un-sure of,) DiC, Mixxzine,(?) and some other big companies I'm not sure of their name.

All my page are for entertainment only. They reflect my opinions. Blah blah blah blah blah. Please don't sue me! 1