Welcome to Arrakis, known by we Fremen as Dune. We are the descendants of the ancient Zensunni wanderers, who were cast out of their homeland millenia ago. My name is Stilgar, and I am the Naib here at Sietch Tabr. Feel free to remove your stillsuit hood, the moisture seals have been activated. Now, allow me to accompany you into the realm of our Mahdi, Paul Maud'Dib. 
Behold the Mahdi: 
This is the fallacy of power: ultimately it is effective only in an absolute, a limited universe. But the basic lesson of our relativistic universe is that things change. Any power must always meet a greater power. Paul Muad'Dib taught this lesson to the Sardaukar on the Plains of Arrakeen. His descendants have yet to learn the lesson for themselves.

The Preacher at Arrakeen
Children of Dune 154

The Fremen are a unique race and a unique people.  Here are my thoughts on the state of their existence.
Paul Muad'Dib
Half man, half god, Paul is a curious creature.  Who can tell what goes on in that fathomless mind of his?

The Words of Muad'Dib:

-- "Spice. Pure, unrefined spice." [pure.au, 55K] 

-- "We Fremen have a saying. God created Arrakis to train the faithful. One cannot go against the word of God." [saying.au, 80K] 

-- "I must not fear. Fear is the mind-killer. Fear is the little-death that brings total obliteration. I will face my fear. I will permit it to pass over me and through me. [fear.au, 200K]

-- "Father! Father! The sleeper has awakened!" [Father.wav, 101K] 

-- "Arrakis. Dune. Desert planet. Your time has come! A storm is coming. Our storm. And when it arrives, it will shake the universe. Emperor! We come for you!" [speech.au, 292K]

-- "I am Usul, Paul Muad'Dib. Our shared enemies, the Harkonnens, are once again in control of Arrakis. Your leader, Stilgar, has asked me and my mother to teach you the wierding way to crush the Harkonnens. We must do more than this. We must totally destroy all spice production on Arrakis. The Spacing Guild and the entire universe depend on the spice. He who can destroy a thing can control a thing. I will take one hundred of your warriors and train them. This one hundred will train the thousands that remain. When the spice flow stops all eyes will turn to Arrakis. The Emperor and the Baron himself will be forced to deal with us. Arrakis will become the center of the universe." [speech1.au, 548K] 

-- "Long live the fighters!" [fighters.au, 26K]

Chani, Muad'Dib's concubine:

"Tell me of your homeworld, Usul." [chani.wav, 20K] 

"Paul, I will love you forever. You are my life." [chani2.wav, 90K]

Stilgar, Naib of Sietch Tabr:

-- "Mmmmmmmmmmm . . . Shai-hulud." [shai.wav, 45K] 

 -- "Perhaps these are the ones the Shadout Mapes told us 
of. I will take the boy-man. *ACKGH!* He shall have
sanctuary in my tribe." [stilgar.au, 70K]

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Page created by: Robin Dunn
Changes last made on: February 14, 1997
You are pilgrim numberto seek Muad'Dib's wisdom.