Captain Horag and the Space Patrol

Written by Rob. This is a non-smoking site. Thank you.

Welcome to the Official Captain Horag Homepage. 'If the taxi does not move it does not move. If you feed it gas or treat it like a dead refrigerator it does not move. Burn it as quick as possible.' -Jack Spicer 2/11/99
You are idio...I mean, cadet, number to wander on to this site since this was installed on 2/14/98. Yes, I did have nothing to do on that V-Day. Well that's not true. I had a very exciting V-Day, but you can read about that in The Script, which I'm gonna put on my site. Not this one, but the one on my other page. Wow, it's been almost a year since I put this counter on here. I guess I'm just a popular kind of guy...and now:


Hello! It is I, Rob, here to spread warmth, joy and....

Captian Horag!!!!


Hey there everybody. It's the Rob-man, comin' at you straight outta the ghetto! Word up! Whoa...sorry, anyways. I am now updating this page again, to most peoples' joy and other peoples' chagrin. No matter, because here I go. Today is August 17th, 1999. Not much new right now, except I have added a guestbook! That's right, you can leave remarks here, like bad grafiti, on this site for all other Horag cadets to see. Also, I have taken the liberty of creating a Captain Horag club on Yahoo! You have to be a member of Yahoo to enjoy all it's benifits, but not to see the front page and view the messages. Join and post your own stuff!

Flash! This Just In!

I have just uploaded the first 5 pages of the Captain Horag Origin Story! It is not done, but I figured I might as well upload what I have. Couldn't hurt, so why not. So, check it out, it's at the top of the links section of this page.

Thanks for your patience in this site's updation! Feel free to E-mail me with comments, questions, concerns or just random thoughts.

Go see the Captain Horag Origin Story
Go see the Captain Horag Fat List
Go see the Captain Horag Comics
Go see the Captain Horag List of stuff about the Space Patrol!
Go see the first Captain Horag comic on this site!
Go see the cool Captain Horag pics on this site!
Go sign in at the Captain horag Guestbook>

Links to other fat sites on the Web

The Captain Horag Archives (Most Important Link Ever)
Eric Jones' Car Page
Bborie Park's Anime Page
Kendall's Homepage
My Own Homepage (If you want to know who the hell I am)
Scooby Doo as you've never seen him before..."

Captain Horag is made by Rob and is not used for profit, just for fun and laughs. Please keep in mind that Potato smoking is only allowed with a hood, and Acorn sniffing and Radish smoking is not allowed at all.

© 1996-1999 Rob Gay(Yes, that is my last name.)

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